Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Bogside Artists' Controversial Book

The Bogside Artists(R) of Derry is a registered charity working with disadvantaged children via creative workshops.

The Bogside Artists of Derry, N.Ireland recently published a children's book entitled "Travels with Li Po". Information about the book can be found at http://www.bogsideartists.com/lipo/index.htm.

The book written in 1990 and sent to many publishers from that date on until the mid-nineties concerns the peregrinations of a young teenager in a parallel world and his search for The Philosopher's Stone.

Li Po, the Puffin spirit bird is an ancient, reincarnated Alchemist who is actually the boy's spiritual mentor. The author William Kelly who is one of the trio known world wide as The Bogside Artists says "the book came directly out of the Northern Irish experience of the Troubles 1968-1998 as they affected myself, my family and the inhabitants of The Bogside area of Derry. I conceived of an orphaned boy forced to stand on his own two feet to convey the collective sense of abandonment we, as a community, felt at the time. Travels with Li Po existed in 1990 and was sent out to many publishers in the UK. And it is now made available for the first time exactly as it was then ."

"The book can be bought for a modest sum from the artists' website and gives, in the words of its author, "a unique glimpse into the soul of a tortured world and the perennial yearning for magical, personal empowerment, particularly on the part of the young, to transcend it."

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1 comment:

  1. New studio looks great. Hope the murals are surviving the cold weather


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